Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Last night was night 2 of sleep training.  So far so good!  Ive gotten more sleep in the last 2 nights than i have since Dexter was born!  I was even up before Dex this morning, he woke at 7:30.

So the first night of sleep training went pretty well , Dex fell asleep at 6, but was woke up because we needed to put his jammies on.  He fell asleep again, and was in bed at 6:30 pm.  He woke at 7 and i gave him his bottle he didn't get earlier....he fell asleep for about 5 minutes then proceeded to cry for 45 min.  After that though...he slept till 6:40 am!  Last night , again, he fell asleep at 6:30 and other than a 1 minute, yes, 1 minute crying spell an hour and half later he slept and slept :)  Now, i did go in last night around 3:30 and changed his diaper.  He had consumed about 12 oz ...6 at 7 pm and 6 at 10 pm when i dream fed him.  Whenever he's had that much to drink he's always soaked through his diaper, even the overnight ones.  He went back to sleep almost instantaniously after being put back in bed and slept in.  Obviously that was the right choice.    I'd love to be able to change him at 10 but he sleeps through that feeding.  After a few nights I will begin to reduce the amount I give him at 10 until it's eliminated as well.

So far so good!

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