Thursday, April 14, 2011


Thunder Eggs me you ask?  if you have never seen Special Agent Oso you'll never understand lol.  This stuffed bear helps kids learn tasks and all his special assignments are titles like "thunderMuffin" all from the 007 movies.  We tried eggs tonight.  Dex has my gag reflex though and hasn't quite mastered the chewing so he choked and puked.  He then proceded to eat a whole yogurt.  We'll try again tomorrow.

I'm probably that horrible mom you talk about that lets their kid watch too much tv.  I dont' care.  This kid is limited to whatever room I'm in when he's with me and sometimes, he just needs to chill on my lap, drink his bottle and watch a cartoon!  He's such an active little kid I don't doubt he'll have no problem getting away and playing.   Plus...he's 7 months.  it's all colors and music to him.

I noticed a bunch of chew marks on his crib today.  Silly Mister, you're not supposed to eat the bed!

Got great news today, Al got a job.  He still has to pass the physical next week but despite him saying " i don't have it till i  pass" , i know he's got it.  Woohoo mommy won't have to go back to work full time!  No day care will be raising my baby.  I have been hoping for so long now that I would be able to only do part time and looks like i will be able to.  It's a personal opinion, but I feel many mothers could stay home more with their kids but they're too much in debt or not willing to cut back on frills for the opportunity to raise their child.  that said...i really need to start interviewing day care centers because he WILL need to go part time.  I hate the thought of a stranger taking care of my child.

Well, gas prices are going up again so Im going to go fill 'er up!  right now the punkinator is asking for attention...

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